The coach gave a briefing to my three kids and their good friend YY.
The kids tried on the boulder with colourful grips (An hour of fun costs RM45 per kid)
climb to the top and ...
Jump! (the coach wanted them to bend their knees)
This is higher than the boulder.
TZ is brave and courageous. Even though she's only 7, she refused to give up. Her brother & sister looked concern. They gave her lots of encouragement.
The coach guided her to the top.
Look at my hubby's expression... as if he's thinking "Son, you better be TOUGH. When I was young, I climbed all types of tree & it's FREE! Now I have to pay for you to climb. SIGH...."
TH is agile.
Now it's time to tackle a higher wall. Harness is necessary.
Going up confidently...
coming down skillfully
TZ reaching the top again... I'm so proud of my little girl :-)
coming down nicely until ...oops... the pants got stuck!
The last wall to climb. No belayer is needed as it comes with automatic recoil ropes.
Saw this on the pillar when we're about to leave.
"Just a reminder — a guidebook is no substitute for skill, experience, judgment and lots of tension." — Charlie Fowler.
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