Can't believe how time flies... that little girl who used to doodle on the wall is now the "little artist" of our family :-)

About 8 years ago, my beloved hubby bought me 2 LV purses. I used one and kept the other one safely inside my drawer.
During one lunch appointment with my 2 close ex-colleagues, I showed off my "prized possession". I smiled and let the 2 gentlemen guess the price of that monogram LV purse.
Both guys gave me the similar answer – “Must be around 1 to 2 thousands ringgit”.
I giggled and announced to them proudly, “No lah… actually my hubby bought it from the wet market and it’s only RM25. He is so smart you know, he got good deal as he bought 2 at the same time.“
Not realizing that I’ve made the biggest mistake in the whole wide world, I went home happily and told my hubby about it.
“我想妳這一輩子不用買真的LV了,因為妳用真的別人也不相信了。(He said: "I think from now on you don't need to think about buying any genuine LV bags, because nobody will ever believe it's genuine even if it really is.”)
Ouch... that's painful & SCARY... it sounded like a CURSE to me! (maybe it somehow hurt his ego too... fake one... from the wet market... and I was telling 2 men about it!!! BOMB!!!!!)
I must admit I was young and ignorant...