Mother & daughter learning art together...(I'm learning some "basic sketching" that I missed out last time)

My youngest daughter will bring her homework out. It's fun to see others draw too!

My daughter joined an art centre before but it's so commercialized that she quit after only the 3rd lesson. It's important to obtain guidance from a good & inspiring teacher. I'm glad I finally found one again after so many years!

My daughter joined an art centre before but it's so commercialized that she quit after only the 3rd lesson. It's important to obtain guidance from a good & inspiring teacher. I'm glad I finally found one again after so many years!
Even the photos are 'artistic'!
Nice sunday! Why your younger daughter not learning as well?
..a gift has to be honed..for otherwise it will be pakmat, getting a sifu is just a step towards refining and polishing that gift..cheers
Thanks for your compliment, Mr cityding. The photos were taken by my hubby :-)
天天天藍,I feel that my youngest daughter is still to young to learn. She's only standard 2, I think it's better for her to enjoy herself & draw whatever she wants first. She can learn those essential techniques when she's older :-)
Hi Pakmat, I agree with you. A good SIFU is very important to bring our skills to the next level. I notice some artists can draw very well but cannot impart their knowledge. I'm glad my current art teacher is good at both.
学了大约两年(从我家Pandan Indah 去白沙罗,也是很远),后来她搬了,搬去更远的地方。结果我们不得不放弃,没有学了。
霓,妳說得對。好老师真的不容易找 (找到是褔氣)。我這位老師教了我們很多正確的技巧,也為我們帶來了新的創作靈感。學后而知不足,哈!
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