Thursday, November 3, 2011

Happy Halloween 2011!

That beautiful egytian queen is my sis-in-law. Besides sewing her own costume, she also made the costumes for the cat woman and nun. How creative!

Our special guests this year included a cool pirate and a cute little egyptian princess with her pretty mommy who donned a black skeleton outfit.

Kakak's head is on the platter!

"Is it real?"

The cute little witch is checking on the spider web.

Boys are boys.

My son and his buddies. Can you recognize those computer game characters?

I could hear the trick or treaters howling while they were walking towards my house.

The "Freddy Krueger" who didn't bring nightmare but sweet dreams to kids. Even though he and I co-organized this event, he was the one who was able to control those overly excited kids. I really have to thank him for preparing fun games for the kids too.

Getting candies from houses with pumpkins pasted on the gates.

The group was getting larger this year, next year may need to break it into a few smaller groups.

The"Freddie Kruger" had already transformed into another scary character when the trick or treaters arrived at his doorstep.

He wanted mommies to turn their kids into mummies!

Lots of candies were hidden inside that big orange color pinata made by his wife.

Another pinata awaiting trick or treater. More houses were decorated with halloween theme this year.

Heroes and villains enjoyed taking turns hitting the pinata.

A neighbour sponsored some glow sticks that surely added more fun to that wonderful night.

A beautiful witch was handing out goody bags to the kids while "entertaining" them with spooky sound effect that would send a chill down your spine...

Every halloween, I will take some photos with my 2 beautiful & wonderful sis-in-laws. Together we had started the first ever halloween in my neighborhood 4 years ago. We've created many sweet memories together.

Even my kakak has enjoyed 4 years of halloween fun (leopard woman - 2008, pontianak - 2009, mysterious squid woman - 2010 and this year... HER HEAD IS ON THE PLATTER!!!!)


薰衣草夫人 said...


Lee said...

Hi Yuin Ting, Holy Smoke! This the first time I see Halloween being celebrated and enjoyed.
Love the pics.....
Can see the fun you all had.
Only one thing missing, the 6'c temp, ha ha.

Good for you initiating this in your neighbourhood.
Good fun for everyone.

Joyful.Mum said...

Wow! That was a lot of fun for the kids! (And adults!) I am sure your children will boast about it with their friends and will leave sweet memories when they grow up.

citiding said...


YuinTing said...

夫人,万圣节派对真的很好玩,就連我家Kakak都玩得不亦樂乎。其實我們籌備了好幾個星期,不停的構思著服裝及食物,也開心了幾個星期 :-)

Hi Uncle Lee, we really had good fun on that evening. After going around trick or treating, everyone was sweating and feeling thirsty...but happy. How I miss the cool weather!

Hi Joyful.Mum, you're right, both adults and kids had a great time. I'm sure my kids told their friends about it! Actually one of my sweet childhood memories is the yearly X'ms party in the Tanjung Club. I thank my dad for that and I wish I can also create some precious & special memories for my kids...and other kids too. It's so fulfilling to see the smiles on their faces.

Hi mr citiding, thanks! One neighbour told me her daughter kissed her goodnite and said she had the greatest night. I'm so happy to hear that.