Thursday, August 16, 2012

The joy of sewing

Too bad my mom and I can't operate a sewing machine. Fortunately my 2 sister-in-laws are good at it. 

And now I am even happier my elder daughter has the interest in sewing. I bought her a Singer brand sewing machine a few months ago. After attending a free lesson to familiarise herself with the machine, she can now operate it easily.

Sewing her school badge. In the past, I had to pay a tailor to do it.

Young people learn fast. I am glad she has the patience and passion to learn and explore (thanks to the internet too).
 I hope one day she can make a dress for herself...and me.

A computerised sewing machine that comes with many interesting options. I really like the therapeutic sound of that machine.

My youngest daughter is influenced by her elder sister, but she is too young to operate a sewing machine.

She likes to put on her "thinking cap"...even when she is sewing!

Colourful felf before the transformation...

The recycled sushi box enhances the look and feel of the creation.

Want to take a bite?

A family of felt plushie created by my elder daughter (except the pink one that was done by her friend).
Some were hand-sewn. 

Sewing is really a terrific hobby!


Joyful.Mum said...

I was so busy recently and have lost touch with blogspot for over a month. Just read about your recent posts and got to know about your kids' education. May I know which private school is that? There seems to be a few private schools in Subang. Is it Fairview? I am looking for a school after O level for my sons.

By the way, the little characters your daughters sewed was really awesome!!! I LOVE them!!!

Eunice Tee尤妮絲 said...

很欣赏田慧的才艺, 超喜欢她做的小手工! 她切实很有天份!

Lee said...

Hi Yuin Ting, I am very impressed. You are certainly a mother your kid will brag to one and all, because of you, she learned to sew.
What you have done will be passed on to your granddaughters too, learning to sew.

Instead of just buy toys wasting good money, you have given her something to treasure.....being able to sew.
And one day who knows, her hubby will shake your hands thanking you.

I read ever so often of mothers spending money on toys for daughters.....
Instead it should be piano lessons and sewing.

Believe it or not practically every Chinese girl among our friends here all play the piano, a few sons too.
My parents were poor, but if I had learned to play the piano, then more stories of SYTs, ha ha.
Happy holidays.
ps, my wife still using her 95 year old Singer handed down from grandmother to mother to her.

Sunny-Cookie said...

Your daughters are really creative. Your blog post brought back fond memories of my own. My grandma taught me to use the manual sewing machine when I was 10 and I had a lot of fun sewing stuff for my dolls. I've forgotten how to use the sewing machine now but your post has inspired me to teach my daughter to sew too :)

YuinTing said...

Hi Joyful.Mum, glad to hear from you! I do notice you have not updated your blog for quite some time :-)
That private school is not in Subang, but in Kota Damansara.

I also find those felt plushie very cute and lovely, ha ha!

Eunice, 我這女兒確實有點美術天份。雖然我很鼓勵她創作,但我也不時提醒她別太投入而忽略了學業。(我當年雖愛畫畫,但也認真讀書哩!)

Hi Lee, thank you for your compliment. I am really glad my daughter loves sewing. I do remember coming across Mrs Lee's Singer in your blog. it is so meaningful! Nowadays sewing machines are computerized and I'm sure they will obsolete much faster.

I am happy my kids have good hobbies such as art and craft, reading & playing piano. Do you remember I told you my son was crazy about gun and wanted to learn shooting? Now he is in love with another type of shooting - PHOTOGRAPHY! ha ha!

Hi Sunny-Cookie, how I admire you! I can't operate a sewing machine, and I could imagine it must be much difficult to operate a manual one (must be like driving a manual car). Since you learned before, I am sure it will be easier for you to teach your daughter :-)