Initially I said NO because it would be such as waste to cut and damage a new t-shirt.
However, after she explained what she was going to do with it, I gave her the green light...quite reluctantly.

I didn't take a photo of that actual T-shirt before it was cut by her. But the back of it looked exactly like the one she's holding in the photo above.

The front portion was printed with a skull pattern.
The transformation...

She cut the collar bigger, and cut out the seam of the 2 sleeves.
She even cut the T-shirt shorter!
She then put on a black spaghetti shirt inside.
And the best part is...
She has turned the back portion into something truly special!
(She used pencil to draw a skull face before cutting and transforming it)
I like the way the black spaghetti shirt exposes a little bit of skin area on the 2 "eye sockets". It proves that the pattern was cut out and not a printed one!
What a brilliant idea!
She asked, "Mom, can I cut another t-shirt now?"
哗, 田慧真的很有才华, 看来应该以后会在藝術界大红大紫, 加油田慧!
Euncie, 謝謝你的鼓勵。恬卉的確熱愛創作。她由互聯網獲得無限創作靈感。難得的是她除了富創意也具有耐心,更熱愛嘗試不同的設計風格和藝術媒體。
Oops 不好意思, 写错了恬卉的名字! 是的孩子有才华必须加以鼓历; 懂得欣赏孩子的父母必造就心灵健康及敢于发挥潛能的孩子, 云婷你们都做到了!加油!
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