I watched "I Have A Date With Spring" (我和春天有个约会)on last Sat. It's a very wonderful performance by our local talents. I enjoy those oldies very much and can't wait to bring mom and dad for the performance on next sunday. (The last day of the performance!)
My updated list:
1) Phantom of the Opera (New York) - the first broadway I've ever watched
2) Les Miserables (New York) - somehow i was pretty tired on that day and can't really remember much
3) The Cats (New York) - i was mesmerized by "Memory"
4) Blue Men Show (New York) ... Off Broadway, very interesting indeed
5) Moulin Rouge (Paris) ...those dancers have fantastic dancing skills...and figure
6) Madam Butterfly (Sunway, KL) ... I enjoyed the poetic lyrics
7) River Dance (Bukit Jalil Stadium) ...should have brought a binocular, my seat was too far from stage. The acoustic was bad.
8) Tosca (KL)
9) The Sound of Music (KL)
10) My Fair Lady (KL)
11) Mama Mia (KL) - great but regretted to watch the movie before the stage performance
12) Puteri Gunung Ledang (KL) - impressed by our local production!
13) 文成公主(KL) ﹣somehow I can't really appreciate those songs.
14) Emily of the Emerald Hill by Pearly Chua (KL) - impressed by our local production!
15)蔡琴演唱會 (KL & Genting). She's my favorite singer
16)A stand up comedy in Actor Studio. 2 comedians poking jokes on our politicians, keeping audience in stitches
17) Prince Siddartha at Istana Budaya. I like the stage prop.
18) "I Have A Date With Spring" 我和春天有个约会 (KLPAC) - impressed by our local production!
** 19) Something unique : Water Puppet show in Vietnam
With my kids, I've watched:
1) Barney & Friends (my kids have outgrown that purple dinosaur)
2) Disney on Ice (a few times...)
3) 哎呀呀大任务 (The Actor Studio, KL) ...very interesting show for kids - impressed by our local production!
4) Mad Science (The Actor Studio, KL) ... learning science the fun (or weird) way?
With Juin when he's young...
We attended a few performances in KLCC Philharmonic Hall (a year of Family Fun Day Concert Package) . My favourites are the ochestra performance accompanying "Snow Man" and "Charlie Chaplin" films.
Being a fan of stage performance, my list is definitely growing... I wish to watch 杜蘭朵by張藝謀 but I wonder whether it'll ever come to Malaysia.
Long list wor :)
Ha! Ha! I love stage musical!
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