Recently my youngest daughter transformed me, my hubby & my maid into 3 "powerful" heroes.
Each of us is given a special Initial on our superhero suit... and a few Gadgets to represent our "power".
I'm the Super Mom, and my power is "Working" (does she mean I'm a workaholic??)
I asked her why is there a heart in my hand (besides the mouse) and she replied,"because you kiss me." (Yes, I do spend some time with her and kiss her every morning before going to work)
As for her dad, there's a mouse and a keyboard in his hand. In fact, her loving dad is the one who goes to market most of the time. He deserves to have a basket in his hand too!
Now let's take a look at the Kakak who takes care of her and the household. She's young and Zi gives her a more fashionable hairstyle than me! Her power is cleaning and she's holding a few brushes!
Best of all, we're all smiling. Yes, we do enjoy our roles!
Hey Zi, how about a Super Kid? You shouldn't have left yourself out!
Hmmm.....do remember you should be holding pen and book, and not TV remote controller and a packet of junk food!
children paint with their heart..
Hi Yuin Ting, kids can have powerful imaginations. And I love his drawings. It is really good too, outstanding!
Might be a future architect or artist....
Best regards, Lee.
You child is lovely! It is so sweet of Zi to draw a heart in your hand and not a cane! They do know that mummy loves them lots and kisses them lots too!
What a fantastic child!
我和先生有時會很無聊的問孩子們:"You love papa more or mommy more?"
Hi Pakmat, kids speak their minds and paint with their hearts. That make them angels!
Hi Uncle Lee, thanks for your compliments. Imagination is the power for great inventions.
Hi Joyful.Mum. Thanks! You make me realise that I have not been using my cane for a long time! The last time I caned her was when she's in Kindergarten 1...at that time she threw tantrum and refused to attend school. Fortunately so far my 3 kids are quite sensible and I do not need to spend money on "rotan" anymore, Ha! Ha!
Hi Mr. Citiding, I hope Zi knows her "Power" is "Studying". You children graduated from Imperial College and Cambridge, they're the truly fantastic ones!
Its been so fun to go through your blog and see the things I had missed out on. Your trip to Australia must have been wonderful. Your daughters drawing is adorable! I love that she recognizes all the things that both you and your husband do. Some kids overlook what us as parents do. Im sure you a great mother.
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