A day after halloween, I forced my son to prepare for his final term art exam. I told him to take it seriously because every subject will contribute to his total marks, especially since he'd set his goal to stay in the good class.
I always remind my kids to work hard and play hard. I must admit I'm "realistic" and wanted them to stay in the good class, because I still believe in the "urban myth" that teachers will focus more on good class students (so that I can get the most out of my taxpayer money, hee...hee...).
In order to achieve his (& my) goal, I decided to help him sketch out a drawing based on the topic which I thought could help him score a higher marks.
There're 5 titles to choose from:
1. Alam Fantasi Idaman Anda (The fantasy world of your dream)
2. Poster - Amalkan Gaya Hidup Sihat
3. Poster - Hormat-Menghormati Amalan Mulia
4. Pesta Air
5. Gambarkan permandangan di waktu banjir (flood scene)
My son is impatient, hardly colour anything and only draws stick man, monsters and weapons. Knowing his strength & weakness, I had to simplify the drawing for him.
However, he's not happy with it and insisted to draw the Fantasy World. After some arguing, I gave in and told him to show me what he could draw.
The result of too much X-box games...he said that's what he's going to draw for his final term exam. Well...ok...but I'm also worried about his colouring skill!!! He's so impatient and if he's to use watercolour, the main character may end up disappearing from the picture! (I kept reminding him to draw the main character bigger)

Fortunately his sister has a set of "Watercolour Pencil". Realistically, that's the best way for him to fill up the background without accidentally "swallowing" the man character. On his second sketch, he drew the main character bigger. Better that way, easier for him to colour :-P
I do not have high hope that he's going to score a good mark. Maybe my world is closer to "Reality" (marks! marks! marks!) and his is still closer to "Fantasy" (monster! monster! monster!) .
Surprisingly a few days ago he came home announcing he got 53/60! WOW!
He is fortunate to have a teacher who is generous in giving marks and is open enough to listen to the kid's heart! Lucky you, son!