He didn't attend any other tuition class except BM.
He said "penulisan" paper was tough.
He complained that Chinese subject was difficult (he wished he did not need to study chinese subject)
He said he should have opted to answer Science paper in English instead of Chinese.
He spent lots of his free time reading story books and not school text books/workbooks.
He was busy preparing for his Robotic competition during UPSR exam week.
Better than what I've expected, he got 6A and 1B (Chinese comprehension).
Yesterday, I was cleaning up his room and ready to throw away all his Standard 6 workbooks & worksheet from school + BM tuition, to my surprise... it weight up to a whopping 50 pounds... excluding text books! (Being a good class student, he's loaded with lots of school work)
I'm sure for those who've attended more tuition classes, the burden would be much heavier. I wonder how "heavy" is the mental stress. Poor kids.
Looking back, I'm glad he's spared from those tuition classes and gained more time to enjoy his childhood. At least, he got more time to daydream :-)
..congratulations, son...you know what?..asked your ma to convert that 50lbs of labour into 50 pounds British..about 350rm..cheap..and treat pakmat to ice-cream..as we practiced target shooting with your bb-gun...
Congrats! Your son has done well.
Haha, how heavy...
Congrate Tian Juin, u can achived such a wonderful result bcos u has a great parents who know your talent and your life!!Keep it up, Thomas Edison mum oso like your mum, they are great mummy!! bravo!!!
Hi, wow! Looks like you might get an Aerospace Engineer or a doctor in the family few years down the road. Congrats to your boy, outstanding!
Gosh, that much of school work? Glad I finished school, ha ha.
You have a nice day and keep a song in your heart, Lee.
Thank you Pakmat. That's a good way for my son to learn "exchange rate". I will let him read what you wrote when he comes back from his school trip this evening! Maybe next time he can learn snipe shooting from you!
夫人,謝謝您的贊美。我真的同情現代的孩子。就連我孩子的Kakak知道他的成績后都說:”Tiap-tiap hari saya teriak-teriak suruh dia baca buku" (kakak也有功勞). 另一家的kakak也sms來問成績。考試不再是一個人的事情。
楊霓,妳女兒成績好,又多才多藝,又不用補習,真棒!喜歡閱讀妳的blog, 可感染妳們一家的快樂。妳孩子們的童年必定幸褔!
Mr cityding, thank you. It's still a long long journey to go.... (I remember reading one of your blog entries about your daughter & son-in-law ...both are PHD holders from Imperial college! WOW!! )
Hi My story, thank you for those encouraging words! I hope Thomas Edison's mom is also as naggy as me!
Welcome, Uncle Lee. I hope what you said will motivate my son to continue to give his best. (When he's in std 1, he wanted to be an archaeologists as he loved Egyptian stuff & dinosaur at that time. Since std four, he was fascinated with underwater creatures and said he wanted to be a Marine Biologist). Now he likes BB gun, I wonder whether he will say he wishes to be a professional shooter...
wow!! well done! that's a lot of work! Poor kids nowadays really got so much homework! well done mama!
Thank you, Ma Ma Kai Jin. I'm sure Kai Jin will be very outstanding too & he may be the youngest scuba diver in the world!
Wow, 6A's with only BM tuition. My children have tuition in all subjects except English...wonder if it's a little too much...
Hi Sunny-Cookie, I didn't let my son attend other tuition classes because he always COMPLAINED that he got TONS OF HOMEWORK. Even so...in between the homework, he would read some comic books to cheer himself up. Also, he went swimming nearly everyday.
I must say that perhaps he was spared from those tuition because I'm chinese educated and therefore able to coach him with some of his homework.
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