Wednesday, December 9, 2009

X'mas Is Coming!

Every year, I'll let the kids draw lots to see who is the lucky one to light up the christmas tree in my office.

Playing with the nutcrackers.
Making paper snowflakes.
Pointing at their artwork...


杨 霓 said...


citiding said...

A family of artistic people..
living in 真、善、美。

YuinTing said...

霓,謝謝妳的贊美。雖然我不是christian, 但卻很喜歡十二月的聖誕氣氛. It's the most beautiful time of the year!

Mr citiding, thanks for your compliment. I'm very grateful for what I have. I constantly remind myself to 知褔、惜褔及造褔。

Unknown said... already..?..seasons greetings, lady..I always thought that it is something unique about being Malaysians..we celebrate all kinds of festivals..anyway have a happy christmas..and looking at the joy on your daughter's face..its gonna be real joyous..

薰衣草夫人 said...


YuinTing said...

Hi Pakmat, time flies, 2010 is around the corner already. We Malaysian enjoy a lot of holidays, and I'm practically working 4 days a week in Dec. How nice!

夫人,我其實只佈置office, 家里並沒圣诞树 (總覺得會有蚊子躲在里面)。女兒抗議了,哈哈!